What is Tapping & What Are The Benefits?
An Interview with Jennifer Wojciechowicz
How Loss can lead to Gain
Creating a positive experience of change Interview.
EFT Tapping for FEAR and COVID19
Corona Virus Pandemic Interview.
The Curious Collective – E21 – Body & Energy Coach / EFT
An Interview with Katie Chisholm from The Power Within
What is EFT Tapping Good for with Special Guest Angela Johnson
The Dr. Grant Show
Do you know how TheJoyHut was created as a way of giving back to this world?
“Angela Johnson’s story started when she was in high school, a highly active student who kept up on her academic work and played sports as well as working at several jobs after school for pocket money. But by her senior year, she was struggling with feelings of complete, overwhelming fatigue that she just couldn’t shake.”
Finding balance and trusting myself was rough at times!
“I was told, ‘You’re going to have these issues forever, and you’re just going to have to learn to live with it and manage it. Aside from that, there’s not much we can do.’ And I remember sitting there in the rheumatologist’s office as a young person thinking, ‘That’s just not an option. That’s not happening to me!’”
“I was FORCED TO LEARN MORE ABOUT…Emotions and disease, how this CRISIS was my best gift & what is tapping and how can this help me?“
See the entire recent interview telling my personal story with Cate Montana!
Angela shares with us a little about her business and what it’s like to be a mum and a successful business woman..
Read the whole article here