Programs are designed to help you honour your personal self-expression & attention to your focus, emotions, mindset, any challenges you have while and providing strategies, tasks and accountability needed to get in flow. As your Transformative Encourager, I will ensure we will make sure that you are ready & I am the woman to support you. 

Your first step is to book a no obligation, Initial Connection Call, (60-90mins) for an exchange of $111 to discover where you are at and what you need support with to activate your stream of possibility. We don’t go too deep here, as we make sure we’ve established that spending our time together is a ‘YES’ from both of us. It’s not uncommon to start already discovering where clarity is needed, to identify some blocks to your success & craft a suitable plan during the call. You will also get to know me more and touch on what strategies are available to you that I’ve mastered & share with clients.

Once accepted as a private client, you will get access to:

  • A time for your first call
  • A Welcome To TheJoyHut Pack – including links, starter resources, client forms & supportive contact details
  • Your personal booking link to select following call times from my Private Client Calendar 

Book Your Initial Connection Call by clicking HERE

Following the Initial Connection Call, sessions are approximately 60 minutes in length. Any longer may be an information overload! Depending on client age, and what the personal situation is, some sessions may need to be shorter in length at times, for example when working with younger clients.

Is there specific casual consultations available for immediate help?
The strategies used during Coaching with me alone are life changing (many will testify!) and are a total game changer as a tool in your toolkit. But to be confident and competent in applying to techniques, gaining long term results and feeling fully supported along the way, I do not offer one-off sessions. I’ve seen to many clients come through my doors that tried something and gave up on themselves and their goals because there was not enough long term support or skill developed in maintaining good momentum for themselves, due to a ‘miracle’, ‘quick fix’ idea of what it would take.

I am committed to teaching you life skills and emotional, mental, physical and spiritual resilience. This means a minimum amount of sessions together are required and tasking (what I like to call ‘homeplay’) is often expected. I want you to get results and feel great. So being a support you can count on, is extremely valuable. There are various levels of programs to suit your situation and needs at the time, starting at 6 sessions initially that includes the large array of experience and skills I offer.

Only when a client has worked with me for some time, and mastered certain skills and experience will I offer any ‘top-up sessions’

I can’t promise the outcome because it is up to you what you do when we are not together, but if you honour your self-expression & are open to recreating how you live your days (as the testimonials will show you) you will get some amazing tools and techniques to apply & get a greater understanding of yourself at a deep level at the very least!

During our exchange you will receive:

  • 1 x 60-90 minute Initial Connection Call
  • Additional weekly or fortnightly 1 hour sessions according to your specific level of coaching we decide upon
  • Unlimited email support and ongoing guidance between calls when needed. 
  • A copy of my eBooks, TheJoyHut’s Guide To Awesome Living, and TheJoyHut’s Ultimate EFT Tapping Guidebook, plus extra bonus resources upfront to help you straight away.
  • Priority access to any VIP Client newsletters & offers, including workshops and groups sessions that may arise from time to time. 
  • Member access to TheJoyHut Community FaceBook Group where you can connect further if you wish. 
  • Following the initial 6 weeks together, you’ll have the option to access Client Only TOP UP TAPS Sessions (EFT method only) in those ‘immediate need for support situations’! (Extra exchange fees may apply)

BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, the potential outcomes you can expect to gain, like previous clients are:

More confidence & self-belief, a deeper connection with yourself & others, more trust, healthy boundaries, clarity & decisiveness, better concentration & laser focus, practical strategies easy to do daily, less reactive, a sense of peace & calm, more happiness & fulfilment in your life, a sense of Joy, love & connection, being kind to yourself, more control over your life, creativity, a new attitude, self-acceptance, a deeper understanding of your behaviours & choices in your work, health & relationships, feeling uplifted & energetic, more inspired, strong, positive, empowered and awareness of times part of you might start to be fearful or sabotage, self-respect & a life that you truly deserve!

Consistency and willingness to stretch yourself while in the safety of my support is key, so if you are prepared to re-imagine, recreate & be open to the possibilities, your results will reflect this. You will also save all that expense you have possibly previously been subjected to, trying to feel happier in ways that honestly hasn’t worked for you up until now. By applying what you discover & honouring who you truly are with the safety of support for the time you need to become more empowered, will save you money in the end & maybe even increase your ability to attract even more abundance when you raise your own value. 

If you have any further questions please email

REQUEST A Connection Call SESSION NOW by clicking HERE. Please be sure to add us to your contacts so you ensure we go straight to your inbox.

Create a Zoom Account 
If you don’t have a Free Zoom account already please create one. Zoom is super easy to download and use. I will send you link for your call prior to the consultation time and all you need to do is click!
Download Zoom Here 

At this stage, to honour my time and the time of my clients, online or phone sessions work best, so no face to face options are available. 

All calls online are easily accessible with Zoom and recordings will be available upon request for you to download within 14 days of the session before deleted. 

For self-managed NDIS clients, it may be possible to get my support once accepted when utilising EFT Tapping during our time together. No other concessions are available at this stage.

Coaching is the single best investment you can ever make in yourself.

It depends what value you place on your personal success as to what you consider worth exchanging your time, money & energy for – just as I value what I bring to my private clients, the value is up to you. Jenny purchased a $7000 handbag and then complained that she didn’t have enough money for a coaching program. Jenny will never see a return on investment with her expensive handbag. Suzanne, on the other hand, realised that coaching was a wise investment, and worked with me for 12 months. Here’s what happened so far “…my hubby has noticed the changes in me and we are finally stepping away from the parts of the business we don’t want to work in &  working more from home, building a more aligned, accessible business that swells my heart & our income has increased! We are also attracting clients that really want more of what we have to offer…”

So the main question for you is, what’s most important to you?

In most cases coaching can be tax deductible. From a financial perspective, it is perhaps the single most valuable thing you will ever do for yourself and your business. For accurate information relevant to your individual circumstances, you will need to speak with your accountant.

Consistency and willingness to stretch yourself while in the safety of my support is key, so are you ready to do something to renew your joy and refresh your life now?

I am available easily online and over the phone from Monday to Friday (QLD time) so location is not an issue.

If you have any further questions please email: HERE

REQUEST A Connection Call SESSION NOW by clicking HERE. Please be sure to add us to your contacts so you ensure we go straight to your inbox.

NEXT…Create a Zoom Account 
If you don’t have a Free Zoom account already please create one. Zoom is super easy to download and use. Angela will send you link for your call prior to the consultation time and all you need to do is click! Download Zoom Here 

To your Joy

Angela Joy Johnson