Hey! I wanted to talk to you about connection!

1. What you can do to connect more to those you care about the most

2. How to find the time to do that…and

3. What the REAL benefits of connection are

 Do you find it really hard to fit everything that you want to do in life in?

Maybe you hate that your job/career, have a rough time with your parental duties like getting the kids to school on time when they are fighting you every step of the way or are just so exhausted from running around. This often all gets in the way of sharing precious quality time with those you love?

And that’s a problem! 

Let me show you what you can do to re-connect in a way that meets yours and everyone else’s needs without feeling like you’ve got to choose between those you love or your responsibilities.

Wouldn’t THAT be nice!

I’ve had the privilege to support professionals & families to stay connected to themselves and each other during really challenging times that we all go through when we feel stressed out from the demands of life.

Using my specific program, I show people what works that can fit into your schedule without having to choose between them or you when it comes to what you do with your time.

SO here’s what I’ve found that works well to help you to remain connected…

Tips For Connection For Busy People!

  • Choose to do things that fulfil BOTH you & the person you are trying to connect more with. For Example; My son likes to play xbox games & wants me to play, I like to dance with people…so we play fortnight and mix the game part with trying to do the dance moves! Now, if you have kids or not, you can always find out what someone’s LOVE LANGUAGE is and be sure to know yours! Try to do things that fall under both languages
  • Just as easily as our thoughts can make us feel certain ways, our actions can also influence how we feel. Did you know that if you hug your partner (& yourself) for 20 secs or more, a hormone called Oxytocin is released in the body that results is someone feeling secure, safe and connected (you can feel more compassion/forgiveness) – IT DOESN’T TAKE MORE THAN 20 SECS!!!!
  • If you have kids, did you know that it has been shown that only 8 mins of being FULLY PRESENT with them every day is all that is needed to feel a sense of love and belonging.

What's the REAL Benefit of Connection?

One of the major benefits of keeping on doing these simple things to connect to others, every day isBUILDS TRUST!

We are social creatures, and we cannot live without forming some kind of relationship with another human. When we connect in ways that feel safe to us, we know we can trust that person because we have a unique bond that helps us to be able to be honest and open. So the REAL benefit is to have a POSITIVE RELATIONSHIP EXPERIENCE which is vital for our survival.

Share the ways that YOU like to CONNECT and what that does for your relationships!

Then go hug someone! 😉