Your first step in your evolution is CLARITY

Do you keep struggling, knowing that you need to make some changes but you are still ‘stuck in the mud’?

Are your thinking thoughts like, “ONE DAY I will be happy when….?” 

If you are anything like I was, you can recognise something has got to shift & know there is more to your life than what’s happening right now, but you just don’t know exactly where to start. Before you can know HOW to get your ideal goal, you have to get clear!

Awareness is the single & most important step required to becoming unstuck and get crystal clear in what your next best step actually is!

If you’ve tried everything to change your life for the better, but nothing has worked or gets results that stick, and you

  • want to change unwanted beliefs that are limiting your progress
  • reprogram you to experience more success and happiness &
  • increase your capacity to make better decisions rather than just ‘react’….


Then the MOST IMPORTANT step first is to discover where exactly you are and what is really going on that keeps you stuck!

How Does it Work?

When you register to receive MODULE 1, you will be taken to a page to pop down your name & you’ll then receive a document in your email inbox within 48 hours (so make sure you add to your list of contacts to avoid missing it in your inbox!)

Within the Module 1 – Clarity document, there are some activities that will help you to discover your current experience, and clarify where you really want to go from here. All you need to do is click on each heading and you will be taken to the relevant exercise. Please note, you will need an internet connection to be able to access the activities and can then download each one to your personal files & complete these offline, if you wish.

I have compiled some of the most important tools to start to get crystal clear based on what others have seen what has enhanced and fast tracked their personal experience. 

So if you are a little (or a lot) stuck, you can discover more about what is really going on for you!

The pace that you take yourself through the module is up to you. You can ease your way through slowly or you can get straight into it. It’s a process that is up to you.

If you find that you need some support along the way, you can always reach out to me. If you need help, please email me at any stage throughout your journey of Clarity.

And remember…when you get complete the Module, CELEBRATE! 

For those of you who do complete each step of the first Module of my program, you will have the opportunity to join me for a live Q & A next month! Stay tuned for details 🙂 

Many current VIP clients have gained results from consistently having my support, expertise and experience.


  • Increased energy
  • Less stress & anxiety
  • More confidence
  • Incredible relationships
  • Becoming a better mum that shows up better than ever
  • Less anger
  • Less fear
  • More decisiveness
  • Balanced hormones
  • Less painful symptoms
  • More clarity & opportunities
  • Increased business success & more money coming in
  • Better mindset, habits & reactions to life’s challenges


Plus, they now have the skills that can quickly and effectively help them feel more empowered through the process.

I want to welcome you to an opportunity to find out how you can begin to do just that.

Who is MODULE 1  For?

The short answer, in my professional opinion, EVERYONE!

We are all human and experience stress and big emotions that come from big challenges at some point. Our bodies can go into survival mode during these times. If we stay here, we can end up feeling really unstable when situations arise that may feel somewhat threatening to us. It’s only natural!

The challenges that we experience can either hinder our growth or propel us forward. That part is up to you! It’s not how many times we get knocked down, but how quickly & well we get back up.

When you learn exactly what is getting in the way of you jumping back on your feet sooner rather than later, you can move into a space of really opening up the opportunities that may have always been around you. You might not have been able to see things clearly because you were feeling ‘stuck in the mud’ and your mind has felt foggy!

Let’s get crystal clear on where you want to go and how you can begin to take the steps to get there!

For those of you who don’t know much about me, I am Angela Joy Johnson

I’ve often been referred to as a rare, unique & supportive shining light by many successful and happy clients that make joy a priority now every single day!

I’ve educated & empowered many clients using my fast and effective proven strategies in 1-to-1 and in group settings all over the globe on the foundations of happiness, joy and personal freedom.

What I am best known for is helping people from all walks of life to recognise & adore who they truly are and what they are capable of so it’s impossible for them to go back to old patterns. They transition from the old out-dated coping strategies and then be able to naturally step confidently into the new world they’ve craved for years!

As an active woman who suddenly experienced unexplainable health issues (that robbed me of doing what I loved most), then struggling through relationships, unexpectedly falling pregnant & ending up as a solo mum, the wisdom and shifts that I’ve personally gained from is absolutely priceless!

Because I know what it feels like to feel alone while trying to get out of the repetitive stuck cycles, like taking a couple of steps forward and what felt like ten steps back, I now get to help people like you to breakthrough those barriers that hold them back so they can attract more of their ideal life!

Enjoy Module 1 and I look forward to connecting with you again soon!

Angela Joy Johnson x

FROM NOT COPING TO CONFIDENCE!J White (Gold Coast, Australia)
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“Before I worked with Angela, I wasn’t coping and as a direct result of our time together, she helped me see how I can help myself. As a result, I have a new attitude, in which I know that I can live the life I want to live! Angela is very kind in her approach and helps you without judgement. She helped me to check in on myself and apply resources and strategies to feel more in control of my environment, which was easier than I thought! I’m feeling happier in life now and more confident in my everyday decisions”.
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“I met Angela when I was tired and had constant health issues. I lacked confidence and self belief and recognised that I had an ‘unwell person’ mindset, and my body was paying for it! As a direct result of working with Angela, I have way more belief in myself, my confidence levels increased I am finally listening to what I want! My wellbeing has improved, I can concentrate with higher levels of energy and feel calmer, as I am more of a relaxed person who has gained lots of clarity in my life. The old anxiety and worry I used to feel before I worked with Angela has decreased and I feel more empowered, strong, motivated and positive. It’s definitely a 10 out 10 experience to be a 1-on-1 client of hers. Angela’s ability to connect and see things from various perspectives, her knowledge, skill set, and strategies clearly assisted me in a supportive, practical way. I felt understood and her coaching is absolutely valuable to commit to! Now I feel proud of myself for accomplishing my creative goals! Thank you Angela, I have loved working with you!”
TRUSTING MYSELF AND LOVING IT!Alex G (Beenleigh, Australia)
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“When I found Angela, I was struggling with trusting myself and others. As a result of our time together, she helped me to accept myself more. I now give myself time and the space I need to consider important decisions rather than feeling pressured , which has really helped me to be less reactive and to see myself as just as important than others. My self respect has greatly increased and I can trust myself now. Working with Angela has been absolutely valuable! I’ve got the tools to feel more self – empowered and I highly recommend you to work with Angela if they want a kind and gently support on the way to taking actions, instead of automatically reacting out of stress. Invest the time, effort and energy in yourself and get some help to work through what’s holding you back. Thanks, Angela.
BLESSED WITH HEALTHY BOUNDARIES!S. Harwood, Massage Therapist (Burleigh Heads, QLD, Australia)
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“With Angela’s guidance, I was able to delve deep within myself, into places left otherwise unexplored. Together we workshopped through limiting beliefs that I held, which lead me to a deeper understanding of why I choose the behaviours and relationships that I do. I now have healthy boundaries and feel a sense of JOY, connection & love. I trust myself enough now to follow my intuition and to speak my truth and I feel blessed to have Angela’s beautiful Soul with me on my journey”
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“Angela is one of those rare individuals that strives to practice the principles of love, presence and connectedness with her higher self, on a daily basis. As a result, you feel her unwavering love for others and yourself which is demonstrated by her obvious commitment to giving and contributing. I am so glad to have Angela in my corner, doing life with me! She has helped me countless times, to be able to focus on what is important and be kind to myself along the way. Thank you so much!”
FROM PRE-BIRTH ANXIETY TO THE ARRIVAL OF A BEAUTIFUL BOY!Kylie Quinlan, Mum and Business Owner (Emerald QLD, Australia)
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“I truly believe I wouldn’t have got through the birth of my 2nd child, all the anxiety and the sudden spinal epidural I needed to have, if it wasn’t for Angela’s help and expertise! Her support pre-birth and techniques that she taught me helped tremendously while I was in theatre having my son. I remember hearing Angela’s encouraging voice in my head at the time! Thank you, Angela, for all your help!”
TheJoyHut’s LIKE ACCELERATED LIFE & JOY ACADEMY!Kelly Rivas, PT, Mum & Support Worker (Australia)
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“I’ve been a long term client of Angela’s purely because since I met her, I am amazed at how far I’ve come – thanks to her support and unique way! Angela is amazing at what she does and I just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU!!! She is definitely a beautiful shining light in my life! I was extremely anxious and depressed but now totally see my life differently thanks to her. She always knows exactly what I need, every session and has helped me be able to leave to toxic situations and live a life that I truly deserve. My friends and family have commented that I am way more relaxed, confident and positive, and I am actually really loving my life now with my new fiancé and baby girl! It is only the beginning of my journey with Ange and I am seriously committed to continuing ‘set for life’ support from her for many years to come! I always feel uplifted, energetic and clear after speaking with Ange and I am grateful for what she brings into life. Ange is a gift and I would definitely encourage anyone wanting to have a Joyful experience of life to commit to connect with her!”
I’VE DONE A COMPLETE 360!Lan Carr, Administration (Gold Coast, Australia)
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“From day one to about 3 months after meeting Ange, I seriously have done a complete 360! Before I met her, my vision and mental state was very cloudy. I had gained 15kg’s due to depression and I was very sad. Since seeing Angela, I have learnt so many techniques and I catch life’s curveballs and know how to deal with life! I’m much stronger now. Ange and I had a connection since the first day we met in a coffee shop I used to work at and not knowing anything about her, I truly believe the Universe deliberately crossed my path with hers for a huge reason, as I am WAY more in control of my life and my emotions. I am more confident, healthy, and I know what I want to feel more of and how I want to life my life. Angela is a complete professional who really knows her stuff. I get so much out of our sessions that I feel amazing when I leave and have loads of clarity – thank you Ange, it has been a complete JOY meeting you!”
PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL HAPPINESS!Amanda Cassar, Wealth Planning Partners Advisor (Gold Coast, Australia)
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“Angela is a very passionate professional and helps you to create joy in a way that brought me much happiness to both my professional and personal life experience. I’ve had the pleasure of Angela’s help also with coaching a group at women’s seminars and working with her as a private client gave me knowledge and tools I use daily”
NOT A TESTIMONIAL WRITER, BUT JUST HAD TO SHARE!Muz Bowsie, Owner of Soulmate 3 (Australia)
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“It is extremely rare that I would write a testimonial, but in Angela’s case, I feel compelled to share. Not being the type to normally discuss my problems or journey with anyone, it was a huge step for me to have consultations with Angela. However, within minutes of our first meeting, I regretted now having seen her earlier. I felt totally comfortable with her at all times and came away from every session more focused and inspired than ever before! I thank you, Ange, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me the chance to find clarity, direction and a sense of peace. You are professional, warm and totally understanding, while giving me the push of love when I needed it.”
A STRONG RECOMMENDATION!Russell C, Senior Environmental Consultant (NSW, Australia)
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“I have been one of Angela’s clients now for over 3 years and have found her valuable advise and teachings to be so effective for me personally and professionally. I’ve developed in a way that really has suited me on both levels and Angela is truly helpful, a great listener and I would strongly recommend you to join her community today!”
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“After support and encouragement from Angela, while following her guidance regarding my health, for the first time in a very long time, I have managed to do the house cleaning without taking any pain relief, that used to get me through! I can actually move well and not have to crawl around with pain in my back, legs, knees and feet! Also, I just realised I have pain-free hands too! I usually have fluid on my knees, hands and ankles pretty badly, but all of this has significantly improved! I am so thrilled and the only difference I have made in my life is working with Angela through detoxing and positive mindset development. My emotional state is better too! Thanks for your guidance Ange!”
A VERY INTUITIVE, INSIGHTFUL COACH & TRAINED EFT PRACTITIONER!Dr Peta Stapleton, Psychologist, Bond University Professor & Head Researcher (Gold Coast, Australia)
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“Angela is a very intuitive and insightful Coach and trained EFT practitioner, and extraordinarily sensitive to people’s needs! She has a unique level of perception and ability to guide clients to complete healing.”
A WEALTH OF KNOWLEDGE!Alita Barnes, Naturopath (NSW, Australia)
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“Highly recommend Angela and her amazing skills. Very professional and a wealth of knowledge. Thank you Ange”
VERY INSIGHTFUL SUPPORT!Daynia Ruth, Independent Entertainment Professional (Gold Coast, Australia)
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“Angela is a vibrant, caring, insightful Coach & Practitioner. I highly recommend her services”
DETOXED & FIT AS A FIDDLE!Renae Stringer, Mum (Gold Coast, Australia)
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“I completed a detox with Angela and I feel hydrated, bright and light. It was a great experience to get me started on the road to great nutrition. She is very encouraging and just what I needed! Angela offered such great support. I do feel ‘fit as a fiddle’. Her motivation to get me going has my health in the right space!”
LOST 5KG’S & FEELING GREAT! Karina J, Administration (NSW, Australia)
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“Yay! I am feeling my ‘normal’ self again! Thanks for your support Ange. My eyes, head, skin is so much clearer and I’m more energetic. I am so glad that I sort Angela’s help after putting on weight after having my baby 5 months ago! Thank you!”
INCREDIBLE ENCOURAGEMENT, WISDOM & SUPPORT!Melanie Miller, Business Coach at Agent 99 Business Coaching (Gold Coast, Australia)
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“Angela is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to health and wellbeing. She has recently encouraged me through a major change which has been incredible! I would not have been able to do it without her wisdom and support. I highly recommend Angela, if you like me, need to make some changes but struggle to make them on your own!”